Friday, December 4, 2009

AEB ~ Auto Exposure Bracketing!

Tonight, while I was visiting AUTOFOCUSED (a photoblog), I learned something new and I'm so excited! In his post he talked about auto exposure bracketing, so I did some investigating and discovered that I have AEB on my camera. I found a couple of video tutorials for those of you who would also like to learn how to use this feature. I've been accomplishing exposure bracketing manually by changing the exposure while metering, but the auto mode will be so much easier. I still have so much to learn about my camera!

This first video shows you how to find AEB on the Canon Rebel XSi, which is my camera. Just skip the first 60 seconds to get to the actual tutorial. ***(Pause my music player on the right before clicking on the video!)

This next video explains how to use the AEB feature a little more in depth. The camera used for this tutorial is different than mine, but it teaches the same basics of auto exposure bracketing!


  1. Thanks for the link Debra, glad my post came in useful:-)

  2. Hey there..(I'm suppose to be taking a break, ha)..but I'm sitting here with my coffee this morning watching these videos!! This is interesting..I noted especially for the contrast. I'm learning but I have a sony cybershot? (my first digital)It seems it has a setting for burst..doing a series- but I'm not sure if it's the same? I have to fish my pamphlet out. Thanks..and I think your family looks really charming- love those early photos too!

  3. Kilauea Poetry, your burst setting is different than bracketing. On burst you are able to hold down the shutter button and it will take continues shots. Here is a link to a video about it

    Hope you enjoyed your break. lol

    Chris, thanks again for your post on bracketing!

  4. Ya..thanks, I sort of thought as much because I didn't see this feature? I'll check this out shortly. Ya..some break..I've been running around taking pictures!!



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