Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunrise on January 2, 2009

Here are some pics I took with my new camera that Andy got me for Christmas. I am obsessed with it, so you can expect a lot of pictures in the future. I wish I had thought to make them a little larger, so you could see just how gorgeous they are, but it's late and I don't feel like uploading them all over again. Sorry! You can click on the pictures to zoom in on them.
I took all of these pictures from my back deck.

I love taking pictures of Saddle Mountain! Isn't it beautiful? The colors are amazing!

The sun was so big and bright!
I love how the sun is in between the mountains and the clouds in this pic!

The fog really adds to this pic!



  1. I LOVE all of your new pic's, the last one is my favorite, I love the look of the tree with no leaves in the sunset! Beautiful. And I can't wait to learn with you all about our cameras :) xoxo

  2. Thanks Michelle, I love that picture too! It's actually a sunrise, even though the color makes it look like a sunset. I just can't believe how beautiful the sunrises are from our house and I'm so amazed at how each one is so different. I'm excited to learn together also and hopefully we will become experts!!!



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