Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm feelin' the love...

I'm feelin' the love right now, after receiving this "Attitude of Grattitude" Award, from Tanya at Miller Racing Family. Thanks Tanya, you are so very sweet! If you'd like to know a little more about Tanya, I've mentioned a litte bit about her in my previous post, yesterday, but you can drop in on her and check her out for yourself. She is fantastic and you'll love her blog too!

I am grateful for so many things, but just to mention a few:

My husband and my children

My home


My church family

Good friends

My blogging buddies


The beauty of nature

Tanya, for giving me this award

I could go on and on, but I'll stop here! (Please forgive me, for keeping this short and sweet, but I'm just not feeling well! I know on a different day, I could have done this post, much more justice!)

So there are a few rules to this award:

1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4.Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5.Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.

1. Sara at make music from the heart to the Lord

2. Mama Belle at The Bayou Belles and their Beau

3. Kelly at Simplistic Treasures

4. H-Mama at Family Team

5. Beth at betheelou's Xanga

6. Momma at All This Is True

7. Molly at Shamrocks 4 Him

8. Kathi at Feathering My Nest

9. Eli at onehappymomma's Xanga

10. Kathy at Welcome to Mimi's Garden


  1. We do have a lot to be grateful for, don't we? Praying that you feel better soon!

  2. Congratulations Debra! You deserve it!

  3. Congratulations, Debra! Oh, and I'm touched... Thank you. Really. I hope you start feeling better soon!

  4. congrats!! we all have so much to be grateful for, don't we? I hope you feel better soon!

    thanks for this award!!

  5. Wow! You are so sweet, Thank You! Congratulations to all the winners.

  6. Thank you, to all of you! Just so y'all know....I probably won't be checkin' up on all of your blogs, until Sunday or Monday because my son and his fiance are here for a couple of days. I will be soaking up every minute with them, while they are here because they're moving to Houston, TX, in a couple of weeks. Hope you all have a great weekend. :)

  7. Wow thank you for my first award!! Gee... "Attitude of Grattitude" I am humbled...

  8. Debra, you so deserve this award! In fact when I received this award you were the first one that came to mind, who I should pass it onto. You always have such wonderful post and I was so thankful for your help with my blog. I am so thankful that I have met you. Have a blessed day!

  9. Your welcome to all of you! I believe all of you deserve the award!

  10. Thank you for thinking of me. Sorry it has taken me a few days to get over here to say that. I do appreciate it very much.



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